They said it was coming

Yes they did say we were going to get a number of new products released by Garmin and they were right. Garmin has released a new Virb Ultra 30 which is a complete shape redesign and offers voice control over it, it looks pretty cool. They also released a Forerunner 35 with enhanced features at a reasonable price. There are more to come but I haven’t seen them yet. Well here at the GPS Store we had another good month in sales and the goal is posted to next month, it looks pretty aggressive but with our sales force we should come close and hope to exceed it. Where did our summer go? We have some company from the north visiting and their kids go back to school next Wednesday which is the latest I have seen, the students down here have been back for over a week already. We are still offering some great deals both in marine, auto, and outdoor equipment. Well have a great weekend and stay safe I will be back to you on Wednesday of next week.

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