Great day in Coastal Carolina

Yes the weather is on our side again with cool temperatures overnight and mid to high 70’s for a daytime high. Truly great golf weather and i see that all the courses I pass on my way to and from work are busy. I wish again that all of you out of town golfers who don’t know where the course you are playing is get an auto GPS, there is no sense driving like maniacs to get to a tee time and not know which is your turn, and there is also no reason to drive at 20 mph under the speed limit looking for the course. You are a hazard! The fish must be biting because the traffic on the waterway going to the ocean is really busy with larger fishing boats, some of which only come and go when the fishing is good. Well I have a busy weekend, my wife is leaving one position on Friday and transitioning to another one on Tuesday along the way we have a 20th anniversary to celebrate a dog to get groomed and a car taken to the body shop for repairs from Hurricane Matthew, oh and I almost forgot Halloween and All Saints Day. Yup it is going to be busy, but have a great one yourself.

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