Day one at the Annapolis Sailboat Show

The Annapolis Sailboat Show opened its doors at 10:00 A. M. this morning and Scott and Brian were standing tall speaking with Show goers as they passed by, and we hope answering questions and selling marine electronics as well. This is always a great show for sailors waiting to make the passage south to winter in the Bahamas or south Florida. A lot of our Canadian friends are waiting for insurance to kick in or something else that allows them to travel legally and safely to their southern destination. South Carolina, at least the coastal areas are now bracing for flood waters being sent down the smaller rivers and creeks to the ocean. When they are hear at high tide there is no place for them to go so flooding over their banks occurs. Georgetown is still experiencing some evacuations and of course the people most affected are the ones who can least afford it. I hope you all can remember these people in your prayers for the near future as they try to cope with this natural disaster.

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